Most people are “Tree People”, valuing trees in one way or another; for tree fruit or shade, for example. Heartland Tree Alliance has met many of these people. Through this series, we’ll call attention to friends who have dedicated much of their lives stewarding one of earth’s greatest organisms – trees.
Beth Welsh is a Kansas City native who began volunteering with Bridging The Gap in 2015 at Heartland Tree Alliance planting workdays and an eastern red cedar harvesting event. Wanting to learn more, she attended our Tree Keepers course in 2016. Beth also volunteers her time as a Kansas Master Naturalist and with Friends of the Johnson County Library.
Thanks for all you do, Beth! We appreciate you and so do our trees. Scroll down to read Beth’s thoughts about volunteering and trees.
Q: Have you learned anything from volunteering with Bridging The Gap?
A: I’ve learned how essential teamwork is to successful tree planting and brush clearing. These activities are also great opportunities to educate new volunteers about environmental concerns, and what they can do right here in our city.
Q: What should everyone know about trees?
A: Did you know trees breathe in through their roots? They are amazing and resilient organisms, not just yard decorations. Visit a park and look closer at its trees — they are full of life!
Q: What do you enjoy about volunteering with BTG?
A: I enjoy the sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that I’m helping make our local lands and air more healthy. I still learn something new nearly every time I volunteer. And the BTG staff are unfailingly friendly, generous, and appreciative of volunteers.
Beth is continuously helping us protect and promote our local environment. We are very grateful. Learn more about stewarding the environment with us on our volunteer page. Consider signing up for our biannual TreeKeepers course.